Youcun Qian’s group found a new mechanism that lung microbiota promotes pulmonary fibrosis through driving interleukin-17B production
2019-03-29 -
Chinese researchers found a new mechanism of Listeria monocytogenes hijacking mitophagy in macrophages
2019-03-28 -
Prof. Xuetao Cao’s group revealed a new mechanism for regulation of DC migration and inflammatory response
2019-03-19 -
Prof. Jianfeng Chen’s group reveals fever promotes immune cell trafficking via a thermal sensory Hsp90-α4 integrin pathway
2019-02-27 -
Prof. Zhigang Tian and Hui Peng’s group revealed a negative regulatory role of liver-resident NK cells
2019-02-26 -
Prof. Xue-Min Zhang and Tao Li revealed that G3BP1 is critical for the DNA-binding and activation of cGAS
2019-01-04 -
Chinese scientists find how PD-1, a key drug target for cancer immunotherapy, is degraded in T cells