About CSI

The Chinese Society for Immunology (CSI), a voluntary, academic, nonprofit and non-governmental organization, a family of over 10,000 members, is registered and established in accordance with the laws of China. CSI has grown out of the Chinese Committee for Immunology, founded in 1984, and joined the International Union of Immunological Societies (IUIS) as a member society in the same year. In 1988 CSI got its license and was affiliated with the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST). In 1992, CSI became a founder member of the Federation of Immunological Societies of Asia-Oceania (FIMSA) and started to play an active role in the regional academic organization. Since 2016, the FIMSA office has been sharing with CSI office in Beijing, which is led by FIMSA Secretary General.

CSI has been dedicated to advancing the field of immunology since its birth, having founded 12 professional branch committees, 4 standing committees and 6 journals, including Cellular & Molecular Immunology, a preeminent, peer reviewed journal of immunology. CSI annual meeting attracts around 3,000 delegates every year. In 2008 CSI established CSI Awards (Lifetime Achievement Award, Outstanding Scholar Award and Young Investigator Award) and 192 scientists have been awarded. CSI organizes and sponsors training courses to the early career researchers annually. Besides hosting biennial joint symposia with sister societies, CSI successfully hosted the 17th International Congress of Immunology (IUIS 2019) in Beijing.