Summer School 2017 of CSI
Summer School 2017 of CSI was held on 27 July-5 August, 2017 in Nursing College, Peking Union Medical College, Beijing. It is co-hosted by CSI and Peking Union Medical College. It’s the 6th of the series summer school of immunology. The theme of this school is “anti-infection immunity and immune responses identification”. 53 doctoral students from different universities, research institutes and hospitals of 34 provinces of China, covering various immunological areas of basic research, clinic medicine and biology technique, have attended this school. They were all recommended by the Executive Council members of CSI. 16 leading immunologists, including Prof. Zhigang Tian, President of CSI, and Prof. Fusheng Wang, academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, were invited to give their wonderful lessons around the topic. Also, the atmosphere of Q&A was extremely warm during the class, and all students broadened their scope of knowledge and widened their horizon. As tradition, the summer school is funded by CSI, including registration fee, board and lodgings.